I have been a bodyworker since 2011 and am trained in various modalities, such as Thai Massage, Sports Massage, Lomi Lomi, and Myofascial Release.
Watsu, a massage performed in water, holds a special place in my heart!
I worked in the corporate spa industry for 15 years, ten of which I spent managing 5* luxury spas, learning processes, and honing my skills in terms of quality of service.
I combine all my learning and experiences with my absolute passion: Kundalini Bodywork. I am also certified in Tantric Bodywork for Emotional Detox and Trauma Release, which I trained over the course of 2 years at a Tantric temple in London.
Before I immersed myself in bodywork, I spent three years working as a Landscape Gardener and studied Sports Science at the University of Sports in Cologne, Germany. I specialized in the field of rehabilitation and adapted sports.
All of the above has given me a beautiful comprehensive foundation. Having undergone deep emotional healing and transformation myself, I feel a profound sense of fulfilment when assisting others with their healing.